Slow Pedagogy in Early Childhood Education and Care

Slow Pedagogy in Early Childhood Education and Care The right to determine our own tempos Nicole Leggett from EveryChild Magazine

Balancing play and science learning: Developing children’s scientific learning in the classroom through imaginary play

Balancing play and science learning: Developing children’s scientific learning in the classroom through imaginary play by Marilyn Fleer

Democracy as First Practice in Early Childhood Education and Care

Democracy as First Practice in Early Childhood Education and Care by Peter Moss, Emeritus Professor of Early Childhood Provision.

What is the planning cycle? – speaking notes

CELA Amplify – Australian Women in STEM Ambassador presents STEM story time

"University of Wollongong: The Effective Provision of Pre-school Education (EPPE) Project: Findings from pre-school to end of key stage 1"

ECA Statement on Young Children and Digital Technologies

ACECQA – Unpacking the planning cycle

Early childhood workforce Initiatives – Early Childhood Literacy and Numeracy: Building Good Practice Booklet

"Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR) – QLD Uni – Supporting Rich Conversations with – accessed from Evidence for Learning Children aged 2-5 years in Early Childhood Education and Care within Australasian Studies"