Balancing play and science learning: Developing children’s scientific learning in the classroom through imaginary play

Balancing play and science learning: Developing children’s scientific learning in the classroom through imaginary play by Marilyn Fleer

Democracy as First Practice in Early Childhood Education and Care

Democracy as First Practice in Early Childhood Education and Care by Peter Moss, Emeritus Professor of Early Childhood Provision.

Weather bodies: experimenting with dance improvisation in environmental education in the early years

Research article by Jo Pollitt, Mindy Blaise and Tonya Rooney.

"Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR) – QLD Uni – Supporting Rich Conversations with – accessed from Evidence for Learning Children aged 2-5 years in Early Childhood Education and Care within Australasian Studies"

State of early learning in Australia report 2019

ACECQA Occasional Paper – Quality ratings by socio-economic status of areas

OECD – Early Learning Matters (2018)

State of early learning in Australia report 2019 – Summary

Leading excellent pedagogy and practice in children Health and Community Services Workforce Council

Lifting Our Game: Report to the Review to Achieve Educational Excellence in Australian Schools Through Early Childhood Interventions (2017)