
This network is intended to be a mutually supportive group of professionals operating in a moderated online forum.

To facilitate and ensure ‘safe space’ conversations and valued interactions with one another we have put into place some good-practice guidelines.

  • The first is the Network Code of Conduct which outlines the online practices we expect from participants. It also explains what to do if you have any concerns.
  • The second is the Network Framework, which details the purpose of the network pilot, why the network has been established, its purpose, the role of Champions, and your role as participants.

Finally, we have published the selection criteria for information published in the resources library.

If you have any questions about the Guidelines, please contact us.

Resource Library Management

The online resource library is a 24/7 service available to participants in the network.

Resources – papers, tools, and factsheets – have been selected based on five criteria:

1. Purpose

Based on utility. Subjects and tools known to be useful to leaders based on CELA’s knowledge of the sector.

2. Timeliness

The Network aims for material to be less than five years old, otherwise validated for currency.

3. Expertise

Credibility and quality: all materials should be grounded in evidence, be credible sources of information, and for public use i.e., do not infringe copyright.

4. Relevance

Is it applicable in a wide context? Does it fill an information gap identified by the Network?

5. Ease of understanding

Can it be easily understood? If not, a short summary of key messages will be prepared for materials to ensure they are accessible and digestible by the Network.

The library is expected to grow as participants request and add information.

Champions will review each request and submission based on the five criteria.


* The Early Education Leaders Peer Network Champions were selected from a wide group of applicants after a thorough review process. The Champions will govern the network and be integral to shaping a community that works with and for its members.

Selected for their range of areas of experience, knowledge and governance experience, we anticipate the Champions will guide and shape a successful network.

NSW Department of Education funded the Peer Network under the Sector Development Program from September 2020 to June 2021.